Tag Archives: tourist yu’u

Tourist Yu’u Offers Rustic, Cheap Oaxaca Lodging



We pass by the Teotitlan del Valle Tourist Yu’u every time we enter the village road making the turn off of the Panamerican Highway Mex 190.  It’s a comfortable-looking building, although we’ve never stopped to look inside.  To my recollection, I’ve never seen anyone stay there either.  But, I’m not yet a full-time, 100 percent village resident.  Because this particular yu’u is right at the crossroads of a very busy intersection, it doesn’t seem to be a desireable location.  Yet, from reading about them, I know this way of experiencing rural Mexico can be rewarding and affordable.  You can read more about the experience of staying in a Yu’u and how to make arrangements by reading this link to the New York Times travel section above.