This is a do-it-yourself blog/website that I am struggling to learn how to manage. I must say, I am a content person and the “back end” mystifies me. I probably have no business managing this self-hosted blog myself. Nevertheless, the deed is done and I’m trying to figure out now how to get the
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feature back onto my front page. This is where the subscriber signs up to get each of my posts delivered into their email in-box. In the transition from WordPressDotCom to WordPressDotOrg, I have lost all my subscribers and only just discovered that they have not received any of my posts over the last month. Big Bummer!
Yesterday, I spent four hours trying to understand and get the Google Feedburner RSS going. I get it that if you click on the orange RSS icon you can get a syndication of my blog that is delivered to Google Reader or other vehicles for getting news delivery. I don’t think the people who read this blog really understand that. They are likely more interested in recipes and travel tips. But I could be underestimating the audience.
I’m now publishing a monthly newsletter. If you want to join the mailing list, please let me know! In the meantime, thanks for figuring out how you can stay connected to me.
Saludos y buen suerte a todos,
2 responses to “Open Letter: It’s a struggle! I’ve migrated to a self-hosted WordPress site.”