Lila Downs Concert in Oaxaca on November 5, 2011

Lucky us! Lila Downs is performing at the Auditorio Guelaguetza on Saturday, November 5. The concert starts at 7 p.m. and you can purchase tickets at Ahorra Farmacia in Oaxaca or online at Ticketmaster.  I bought two tickets on-line and can’t wait.  Lila Downs is one of my favorite singer-songwriters and her Oaxaca roots make her very special.  From time to time, as friends point out, she will do a free concert on the Zocalo but I haven’t heard any inkling of this and didn’t want to miss the chance to hear and see her perform.

I have this one favorite photo I captured of Lila Downs a couple of years ago when she appeared at the Las Cuevitas celebration in Teotitlan del Valle.  I treasure it.  She is wearing a hand-woven sarape created by Erasto “Tito” Mendoza.

Lila Downs at Las Cuevitas, Teotitlan del Valle

What I love about her music are both the lyrics and the vocals.  She sings in Spanish, English and Zapotec, reflecting the complexity of her origins.  Her songs are lilting as well as socially and politically relevant.  She sings about what touches the hearts of Mexicans with a universality that speaks to all of us.

If you live in Oaxaca or you are here for Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) don’t miss this opportunity to experience this live concert with Lila Downs.


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