Our 2012 Oaxaca Photography Workshop: Market Towns and Artisan Villages officially begins tomorrow morning. Many of our participants arrived in Teotitlan del Valle, our “base camp,” a day early to wander the village, get their bearings and settle in. We are at 6,000 feet altitude, which means some getting used to. The weather is mild and sunny, a lovely 82 degrees and perfect for photography.
First: a couple of shots in Oaxaca, at the new Museo Textil de Oaxaca shop now operated by Los Baules owner and curator Remigio Mestas.
Indigenous clothing is artfully displayed in and on antique furniture. See the handwoven fish traps from the coast of Oaxaca?
An amazing, intricately woven silk huipil (wee-peel) with natural dyes created by maestra Francisca Palafox from San Mateo del Mar.
It costs more money than you can imagine!
The colors of Mexico from a rooftop: Red, Green, White.
And below, textural impressions of Teotitlan del Valle, literal and figurative.
Our next photography workshop is Day of the Dead Expedition, October 28-November 4 in Oaxaca.