As of today, The Oaxaca Mask Project has
- raised $1,831 USD
- received gifts from 31 generous people
- ordered 300 masks for delivery in the next 10 days
- help from Eric Ramirez and Zapotrek eco-tours
- help from Kalisa Wells
- help from Alvin Starkman and Mezcal Educational Tours to distribute masks to San Marcos Tlapazola and
- help from Teotitlan del Valle teacher Cristy Molina
- received mask patterns from Hollie Taylor Novak and Judi Ross
- translation help from Janet Chavez Santiago, Fe y Lola Rugs
Eric is identifying seamstresses in Tlacolula de Matamoros and Cristy is identifying seamstresses in Teotitlan del Valle. They will both commandeer distribution in their villages. Our goal is to decentralize production and distribution to get the masks out into the villages faster. I’ve asked Arturo Hernandez in Mitla to make and distribute masks throughout his pueblo. All mask-making and distribution costs are supported by this project.
In addition, public health education is essential so people understand why it is important to wear a mask and how to care for it. We are asking each maker to print and attach hang-tags to each mask with this message:
Protégete de la infección viral COVID19. Cada vez que salgas de tu casa usa un cubre bocas. ¡Si te cuidas tú, nos cuidas a nosotros! lavar primero y después de cada uso.
Ways to GIVE and Support the Project
You can make a gift to me directly using this PayPal link: paypal.me/oaxacaculture
You can read more about The Oaxaca Mask Project here.
What Your Gift Will Do
- $25 will buy and distribute 10 masks with hang-tags
- $50 will buy and distribute 20 masks with hang-tags
- $100 will buy and distribute 40 masks with hang-tags
Time is running out. The virus will reach its peak in Oaxaca around May 5, 2020. We need to get these masks made and to people NOW. Can you help?
Contact Norma Schafer with any questions or to volunteer.
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