A Message of Thanks from Lizet, Juvenal’s daughter
Hello, everyone. I’m Lizet Gutierrez, the daughter of Juvenal Gutierrez Alavez. I want to thank each of you who are helping us to raise funds to move my father’s body to Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca. You don’t know how much my family and I appreciate all that you have contributed. You have a big and good heart to help us. We wish the best for each of you and your families. May God bless each one of you for the support you have given to us!
Our Goal: $3,000 — We need $400 more!
Read about how to help Juvenal return home HERE.
A memorial candle for Juvenal
Lizet, age 17, her mom Norma, and her 15-year-old brother Lionel are in Southern California, waiting for legal approvals to send Juvenal’s body home for a traditional Zapotec burial. It’s what he would have wanted.
We are grateful to you for your responsiveness and generosity. Forty-nine people contributed a total of $2,600 dollars to help send Juvenal home. We received a range of gifts from $15 to $500 each.
If you haven’t yet made a gift to help — any amount is welcome — please use one of these links:
Please DO NOT select Buying Goods or Services at check-out!
- $100 www.paypal.me/oaxacaculture/100
- $50 www.paypal.me/oaxacacualture/50
- $25 www.paypal.me/oaxacaculture/25
- Other amount: www.paypal.me/oaxacacaculture/XX
- Or send me an email and I will send you a payment link.
If you don’t use PayPal, we can receive your gift via personal check, VENMO or Zelle. I can also send a Square invoice. Let me know and I will send instructions. I am able to transfer your gifts directly to the family.
THANK YOU to all contributors to date.
Lizet and her dad
Gretchen Ellinger Trudi Woods Samuel Burns Lynn Nichols Stephanie Smagala Kaola Phoenix Susie Robison Gail Barraco Barbara Garcia Carol Estes Diane Manning Lesa Porche Kathleen Burch David Taylor Joan Glynn John Hays Anne Burns Beth Katz Catherine Cox Anne Romanow Martha Sorensen Hugh Eckert Jo Ann Ward Kristine Moore Eve Hiatt Donna Tuke Material Media Barbara Beerstein Norma Schafer Deborah Mersky Nancy Craft Katharyn Rayner Joyce Federer Denis Wood Marsha Heiman Marla Jensen Susan Barkoff Dean and Kay Michaels Beverly Keitz Dorothy Hermann Jill Bennett Olive and Lew Greenwald Kajal Patel Claudia Michel Suzanne Ouellette Joan Quigley Scott Roth |