Earth Day: Homage in Photos

Here on the Rio Grande Gorge Mesa the wind is scouring the earth. Spring cleaning, I think. Perhaps nature’s attempt at renewal. The cycle of life.

In Oaxaca, torrential rain, hail, remind us that the seasons are now topsy-turvy and we can no longer predict the patterns of nature.

Many of us know we are in peril and it is an underlying tug, push, fight, an imperative to make it right, make it whole again so our future as humans will avoid the dystopian image I have of glass cities where only purified air can sustain us. And, who will live there? I ask. Will the price of admission be so high, that only the wealthy and well-connected will find dwelling? And what happens to the rest of us? One can only imagine the unimaginable.

Heather Cox Richardson says it best today. I encourage you to read.

Here is a brief homage to our nurturing, stunningly magnificent Mexico in photos. Hope and action are our only defenses.

At Oaxaca Cultural Navigator, Eric and I put immense value on sustainability of the environment and indigenous culture. We work with weavers who grow their own cotton, use natural plants cultivated with organic materials and no chemicals to make native dyes, and commit to supporting women and families. We work with organizations like Weaving for Justice and Weave a Real Peace to help raise awareness and bring people up from poverty to be able to feed their families, provide health care and education, without worry. Thank you, as always, for your support for what we do.

And, here, in New Mexico, all appears as it should be, and we know it is not.

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