When you register for and make a deposit to participate in a Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC program, you accept and agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.
Print this Registration Form, complete it, take a photo of it with your phone and email it to us.
Program Name:
Arrival Date: Departure Date:
Your Name as on Passport:
Passport Number and Expiration Date:
Your cell phone number: Your email address:
Your address/City/State/ZIP/Country:
Required: Trip Cancellation and Medical Emergency Evacuation Insurance of $50,000+ USD. Proof of Insurance must be sent by email 45 days before program start date
[ ] I have read the Registration, Cancellation Policies and Procedures, and agree. [ ]Yes [ ]No
[ ] Do you have any medical condition(s) and medications? [ ]Yes [ ] No If yes, please explain.
Can you walk 6,000 – 10,000 steps a day unassisted at 5-7,000 feet altitude? If no, please explain. [ ]Yes [ ]No
[ ] Yes, I have a covid vaccine and all current boosters required by the CDC
Emergency Contact Name/Relationship/Phone:
[ ] Dietary restrictions, allergies and needs. If yes, please explain.
[ ] I am a single traveler and prefer a single room.
[ ] I will share a room and I am traveling with _______________
[ ] I will share a room. Please find me a roommate.
Waiver of Liability I, the undersigned, release and hold harmless Norma Schafer, Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC and their agents, successors and assigns associated with this event from any and all actions, causes of action, claims or demands for damages, personal injuries and death, and property damage or loss arising out of my participation in any capacity in any activities directly or indirectly associated with the Norma Schafer, Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC Study Tour. This waiver is on behalf of myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, and assigns. No promise or inducement which is not herein expressed has been made to me, and in executing this Release I do not rely upon any statement or representation made by an person or their agent. I further state that I carefully read the foregoing Release and know the contents thereof, and I have accepted the same as my own free act.
Signature Date
Witness Date
Reservations, Cancellations, Refunds. We accept payment with Zelle or with a credit card using Square. There is no fee to use Zelle, a cash transfer process set up through your bank. To use a credit card with Square, there is a 4% processing fee (which is what they charge us). A non-refundable deposit will reserve your space in multi-day tours; the amount is specified in each tour description. Payment in full will reserve your space in a one-day or several day workshop or tour. All cancellation and refund details are published with each program description.
Required–Personal Health Questionnaire
We accept travelers who are in good health and able to walk uneven streets unassisted at altitudes of 6,000-10,000 feet. When you send us an email saying you want to register, you will also need to submit a registration form that includes health information. If you have doubts and if you have any health impediments like mobility or breathing issues, please consider another program provider.
COVID and Health Requirements
We request that all Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC travelers be fully vaccinated including all boosters as indicated by the CDC. We also strongly suggest that you wear N95 or KN95 face masks at indoor events, on vans, in airports and on airplanes.
All registration deposits and final payments due shall be transacted by e-commerce. We will send you an electronic invoice via email. We are in Oaxaca, Mexico, most of the year, so this is the only way we can accept funds.
A deposit is required (including supplemental and optional fees) to reserve your space in a program. Check the deposit and balance due information in each program description.
The final payments for the balances due is outlined in each program description.
All documentation for plane reservations and required travel insurance must be received 60 days before the program start or we reserve the right to cancel your registration without reimbursement.
Our programs are small, customized and arranged far in advance of the actual program. The cancellation and refund policy is in place because we must confirm arrangements with many people and this requires that we make non-refundable deposits to secure reservations. Thank you for understanding.
Required–Travel Health/Accident Insurance: We require that you carry trip cancelation, international accident and health insurance including $50,000+ of emergency medical evacuation insurance. No exceptions. Proof of insurance must be sent at least 60 days before departure. Check out Forbes Magazine for best travel insurance options. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/travel-insurance/best-travel-insurance/
Passport Validity
Be certain your passport has at least six months on it before it expires from the date you enter the country.
Plane Tickets, Arrivals/Departures: Please send us your plane schedule at least 45 days before the trip. This includes name of carrier, flight numbers, arrival and departure time from our program destination.
Our Right to Cancel Without Refund: If we deem that the traveler demonstrates an unwillingness to comply with the terms outlined or exhibits difficult behavior and communication that would risk the well-being of the group and their experience, we reserve the right to cancel their participation without reimbursement at any time before or during said program at our discretion.
Terrain, Walking and Group Courtesy: We travel in areas that are safe and secure, yet may be at 6,000 to 10,000 feet in altitude. Colonial streets and sidewalks are cobblestones, mostly narrow and can have high curbs. Village sidewalks and streets can be unpaved and pot-holed. Paving stones can be slippery, especially when walking across driveways that slant across the sidewalk to the street. We do a fair amount of walking. We encourage you to wear sturdy walking shoes and bring a walking stick as needed.
Traveling with a small group has its advantages and also means that independent travelers will need to make personal accommodations and adjustments to meet group needs and schedule.
We reserve the right to reject your registration based upon your health.
What we DO NOT provide:
- We are not a travel agency, so we do not book your plane reservations or find routings for you. Please use Skyscanner or another online booking service to find the best fares and routes
- If you arrive at a destination early or want to stay later, please make any add-on reservations independently and pay directly. We are unable to facilitate added bookings for you.
- If you need help, please contact a travel agency who can provide these personal services.
- We do not provide personal assistance in the form of helping you on/off the van, up/down stairs, or across uneven terrain.
What we DO provide:
- We make and confirm reservations for lodging, transportation and meals that are part of the land package as outlined in the program itinerary
- We arrange guide services and cover admission fees that are included in a program itinerary
- We contact artisans to make appointments to visit to meet them and see their work
- We provide travel tips and information about our destinations via email after you register
- We facilitate the best program we can provide once we are together
To register or for questions, contact us.
This program is produced by Norma Schafer and Eric Chavez Santiago, Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC.
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