Tag Archives: Chatham Studio Tour 2008

Norma’s Jewelry: Chatham Studio Tour, #19, December 5, 6, 13, 14

Hi everybody!  This is a little off target for Oaxaca, but most of you know that I am also a jewelry artist and my studio is open the first two weekends of December.  I’m part of the 50+ artist tour in Chatham County, NC — a juried show that is open to the public.  There’s a map and you can drive around and visit the various artist studios.  (Click on the Chatham Studio Tour on my blogroll to get to the website and the map.)  Here’s a preview of my work.  I’m closing out all my old lines and also my hand knit hats, scarves and shawls.

Dichroic Glass Pendant Necklace Peruvian Opal Pendant Necklace New Designs

Raku and Glass Earrings