Tag Archives: weaving with feathers

This Week: Workshops & Events at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca

Here is a note to me from Eric Chavez Santiago, director of education at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca describing all the exciting programs coming up at the museum in the next week.

June 8, 2009, Oaxaca, Mexico

Hola, Norma,

This week we have many things going on at the museum. I will be teaching a weaving workshop using a frame loom, from Monday, June 8 to Friday, June 12, from 4-6 p.m. daily.  We will weave using the tapestry technique and each participant will make a small doily as an example. Admission is 350 pesos per person.

On Thursday, June 11, at 7 p.m., the museum’s textile restoration expert Hector Meneses will present his book: “Un paño novohispano, tesoros del arte plumaria.”  It is about an  18th century textile woven with feathers. This technique has been rescued and workshops about how to do it have been taught at the Museum.  As a result, some weavers from Teotitlan del Valle and San Pedro Cajonos are reintroducing the technique and putting applications of feathered yarns on their textiles. The event is free to the public.

On Saturday June 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., I will teach an indigo dyeing
workshop. Using resist dyeing techniques, participants will make their own patterns using yarns and rubber bands tied onto white t-shirts that they bring. The technique keeps the color from entering those “resisted” spots. The technique is widely used in Japan, India and years past in Mexico. Admission is 100 pesos per participant.

Next week, from June 17-21, weavers from San Pedro and San Miguel Cajonos will give demonstrations of weaving and dyeing, and sell their work in the museum´s patio. Free to the public.

From June 17 through June 20, Frances ‘Sam’ Robbins will teach a patchwork quilt making workshop from 4-8 p.m.  The class is full and we are taking a wait list.  There is the possibility of a second section opening up.  Admission is 350 pesos per person.

I will be busy as you can see, but that´s just great because it keeps me busy!


Eric Chavez Santiago

Director of Education

Weaving With Feathers!

I can’t wait to get back to Oaxaca!  Just a few more weeks until we arrive on June 25.  I want to see our casita construction progress AND I want to see the new textile museum.  Eric reports that this Saturday there will be a “by invitation only” workshop about weaving fibers with feathers for weavers and artists at the museum.  It will be taught by a textile restorer from Mexico City and Veracruz.  Eric was able to get invitations for four artist-weavers from Teotitlan to attend:  Federico Chavez Sosa, Mariano Sosa, Fausto Contreras and Panteleone Ruiz Martinez.  The energy and excitement generated around this new museum is fantastic.  There are student volunteers from the U.S. who are helping Eric construct 200 cardboard looms to use in his introduction to weaving program for Oaxaca school children.  Posters about the museum exhibitions are going up around the city and in Teotitlan to encourage general attendance, and weavers to explore innovative approaches and to use traditional natural dye stuffs. I can only imagine that there will be a surge, momentum and exponential creativity that will come from the Museo Textil that will be momentous for weaving and textile development and preservation in Oaxaca.  One thing is for certain, that everyone who attends the Oaxaca Weaving Workshop:  Dancing on the Loom, will get a special visit to the textile museum, too!