These beautiful scarves are woven at the Bii Dauu weavers cooperative in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca. They use only the finest wool and natural dyes. Their philosophy is based on sustainability and organic agriculture. Cost is $65 each and includes mailing in continental U.S.
For an unusual and satisfying holiday gift: The scarf on the left has deep purple stripes and is interwoven with pomegranate dyed wool that is olive green in color as a contrast to the cochineal that is yielding a mauve-purple color. The scarf on the right is more tomato red and the stripes are almost black in color. It is also interwoven with pomegranate dyed wool that results in olive green. The choice is yours! $65 each. I can accept payment with PayPal — just click on the “Buy Now” button above.