We’re Excited: Eric and Janet Arrive in NC on September 30

It seems like it has been FOREVER since brother and sister, Eric and Janet Chavez Santiago, have visited us in Chapel Hill and Pittsboro.  Eric is taking a vacation — a well-deserved break from his work as director of education at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca.  Janet, who has been managing the family rug gallery in Oaxaca for the last year, will be staying on in the U.S. for a while to travel and visit friends.  I am so happy they are coming.  It is always fun and lively when they are around.  We get to practice our Spanish, do a little extra cooking and recreate some of our Oaxaca favorites, and go visiting.  Both have created a network of friends and supporters during past visits here.  Plus, they have established friendships among people from throughout the U.S. who have visited Oaxaca and met them either at the museum or the gallery.  Eric and Janet are like family to us.  We claim them as more than friends.  I am so proud of their commitment to their Zapotec heritage, the work they do to promote arts and culture and the weaving traditions of their community and family, and bringing the ancient traditions of natural dyeing to the foreground of what makes a quality handwoven rug.  More than this, they are extremely good and nice people.  I am eagerly awaiting their arrival.  Maybe when they are here we will be able to organize an open house with a natural dye demonstration.  Would you be interested in that.

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