Weekly Photo Challenge: Hidden

Hidden behind Day of the Dead masks are two beautiful young women who attended the exhibition opening at the Centro Fotografico Alvarez Bravo last night.  The photography center, located at the corner of Garcia Virgil and M. Bravo is featuring the work of Mari Seder as well as others.  Oaxaca is a hub for the photographic arts and a mecca for photographers who have unlimited opportunities for subject material.  From landscapes to portraiture, Oaxaca offers beauty, mystery, and magic.

What is hidden is ultimately revealed.  During Day of the Dead the mask creates new identities that can be dramatic, grotesque, or fanciful.  Costumed children and adults parade through the streets.

At the close of the opening photography exhibition, after hundreds moved from gallery to gallery, after swilling Victorias and munching on a simplified version of memelitas — a crispy corn mini-tortilla with a schmear of black bean paste and a sprinkle of queso fresco — we awaited the 8 p.m. performance of mezzo-soprano with a ring of feathers protruding from her forehead.

That’s when we opted out of participating in the procession that followed and chose a lovely supper of tamal con mole negro at La Zandunga instead.



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