Oaxaca is easy to get to from the USA when you use the gateway city of Houston. There is a direct flight from Houston to Oaxaca daily on Continental (soon to be United)Airlines. This is not a bargain route and you will pay a premium for the more direct routing. Take two flights and you are in Oaxaca.
I am writing this at the recommendation of Chris, one of our photo workshop participants. He doesn’t speak Spanish, missed his Mexico City flight to Oaxaca on AeroMexico because United had published the wrong departure time, and had a hard time communicating his need to get on the next flight when it was overbooked.
Ah, the vagaries of international travel when language is a barrier.
So Chris says, spend the extra money, go through Houston and take two flights instead of three. Spend the extra money and save the wear and tear, and extra travel time.
On his return trip to the US yesterday, all went well, though there were delays in Chicago, where he had his second connection. He got home to Columbus, Ohio after 2 am. his route: Oacaca, Mexico City, Chicago, Columbus.
My route tomorrow will be Oaxaca, Houston, Raleigh-Durham.
In October when I return to Mexico, I’ll fly into Mexico City because once in a while I like to go from there to Puebla first by bus. I’ll spend the night and then take a bus from Puebla to Oaxaca. Very easy, but I. Familiar and can negotiate the language.
For novice tourists to Oaxaca, take Chris’ advice.
What’s been your experience?
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