Three Documentary Videos Produced at 2010 Film Making Workshop

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Rescate Seda features the taller of Arte y Seda and the family of Aurora Contreras and Reynoldo Sosa, written and directed by filmmakers Sheri Brautigam and Pam Holland.  The interview was conducted in Spanish and translated to English subtitles.  The film, below, features the labor-intensive process of growing silkworms, cultivating the cocoons, spinning the silk and weaving it, then dyeing it with natural materials.

Pantaleon Ruiz Martinez: Pintor de Teotitlan del Valle was written and directed by filmmakers Laura Dunne and Eric Chavez Santiago.  The interview was conducted in Spanish and translated to English subtitles.  The film, below, features the oil paintings and weavings of Pantaleon who is a noted Oaxacan artist.

Magdalena’s Traditional Tortillas was written and directed by filmmakers Lauren Waits and Dara Stillman.  The interview was conducted in Zapotec and translated to English subtitles.  Magdalena is one of the owners of Las Granadas Bed and Breakfast in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca.

These three films were produced during the one week intensive documentary filmmaking workshop held in February 2010 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca.  Participants were novice to intermediate level students taught by Erica Rothman, Nighlight Productions LLC, Durham, NC, and Jim Haverkamp, also of Durham, who teaches at the Duke University Center for Documentary Studies.  Executive Producer of the program is Norma Hawthorne, Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC.

Here is the photo album from the workshop:

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