Monthly Archives: July 2014

Oaxaca Show & Sale, July 25-26: To Benefit Artisans and Artists at Las Bugambilias B&B


2014 Dance of the Feather Schedule: Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca

Today, Monday, July 7, the Zapotec weaving village of Teotitlan del Valle begins its weeklong fiesta to celebrate its Catholic Church of the Precious Blood with a calenda de las canastas — the parade of the canastas.  This starts in the church courtyard today around 6:00 p.m. Oaxaca time.  Which means, it starts at 5 p.m. in Teotitlan del Valle because here, time never changes!

Times are never exact either. So, I suggest if you come today, you arrive around 5 p.m. and go into the inner church courtyard to watch the young women assemble with their elaborate baskets that they will carry on their heads in a procession throughout the village.  The baskets are adorned with flowers and religious images.  The women, who must be unmarried to participate, wear extraordinary traditional traje or dress that is indicative of this particular village.

Tuesday, July 8, at 8 p.m. there will be the introduction of this year’s Danzantes — the dancers who have made the three year commitment to participate in this ancient pre-Hispanic rite — in the church courtyard.  They will dance a short program and then this will be  followed by a festive fireworks display.

Wednesday, July 9, at 1 p.m, the Danza de la Pluma will begin in the church courtyard.  The dancers will demonstrate their prowess for the next 10 hours, taking intermittent breaks.

About the Dance of the Feather

Cultural History–Dance of the Feather

Video Interview–Dance of the Feather

Thursday, July 10, is a day of rest.

Friday, July 11, 4 p.m. Dancers process around the village

Saturday, July 12, 1 p.m. Dancers will be in the church courtyard until about 10 p.m.

Sunday, July 13, 1 p.m. is the last day of the fiesta and the dancers will be in the church courtyard all day.

There is lots of food and drink, and there is a fair with rides and sideshows to also entice you to visit.  Have a good time!



So Sew: Two Commerical Sewing Machines For Sale

This is a public service announcement!  I am posting this with the idea that these two industrial sewing machines, deeply discounted,  could be purchased to help a local woman develop her business. Louise Hopkins, who is selling them, says the machines are about one year old. Perhaps you know a Oaxaca woman in a village who might benefit from having one of these sturdy machines.  The price is negotiable.  Please contact Louise Hopkins directly if you are interested or know someone who is.

Louise Hopkins, or telephone: (52)19541398371

From Louise …

I have a bag making business in Puerto Escondido which is a sister brand to the australian brand launched in Sydney and now distributing all over the world. We tried production locally but have moved it to Guadalajara, keeping only a small workshop at Puerto for sampling.  I have 2 industrial machines that I would like to sell, one being a Brother and the other a Juki, both work well . I am prepared to drive to Oaxaca to sell them if you can suggest anywhere that might be interested. Thank you.

Juki Machine picture

Juki Machine

Brother machine

Brother Model No.


Don Jose Garcia Antonino: In the Pottery Studio

If you blink you will miss the turn-off to the village of San Antonino Castillo Velasco, just before arriving in Ocotlan de Morelos, where our friend Don Jose Garcia, known as the blind potter, lives and works. Some years ago, Don Jose developed cataracts and without expensive treatment, he lost most of his vision.

Don Jose Garcia Antonino-3 Don Jose Garcia Antonino-6

Along with his wife, son, daughter and son-in-law, the family studio is a folk art haven for primitive pottery fired in a wood kiln that represents, for the most part, Don Jose’s vision of Oaxaca village life. He has magic hands and has taught his family well.

Don Jose Garcia Antonino-10

Usually, people make this visit on busy Ocotlan market day Friday. Yesterday, Tuesday, it was quieter and we had the route to ourselves, except for the occasional donkey straying onto the highway.  During our visit we discovered hidden treasures: sculpted bulls, marigold decorated planters, face urns, regal figures of Tehuana women carrying bouquets of lilies, pregnant mermaids and proud couples entangled in dance.

Don Jose Garcia Antonino-14 Don Jose Garcia Antonino-9

I always love bringing Oaxaca visitors here. The family appreciates the support and people are always mesmerized by the creativity. There are plenty of small things that aren’t too heavy that can be wrapped and brought home in a suitcase. I guarantee you will love the mermaids playing musical instruments and the jumble of clay figures everywhere.

Don Jose Garcia Antonino-4

Allow a full day to go, return, visit and have lunch at Azucenas Zapotecas in San Martin Tilcajete.  You will want to stop at the women’s cooperative in San Antonino to browse the intricately embroidered blouses, at the wood-carving studios in San Martin Tilcajete, and look at Rodolfo Morales‘ stunning murals in the Ocotlan municipal building. If you have time, visit Abigail Mendoza in Santo Tomas Jalieza, too.

How to get there:  Travel down the Ocotlan highway.  Pass San Martin Tilcajete, the wood carving village. Turn right at the sign for San Antonino Castillo Velasco. Go to Libertad and turn right.  Turn left on Independencia.  Look for #24 painted on the door. On the roof are two large clay lions to guard the gate.  Knock hard!

Don Jose Garcia Antonino-12 Don Jose Garcia Antonino-7