The artists and artisans of Oaxaca depend upon tourism for their livelihood. Now, almost two years after the APPO “troubles” tourists are beginning to come back to Oaxaca and that is very good. But there are still too few tourists and the economy is hard hit. The troubles hit the villages hard even though they were beyond the reach of political confrontation. Many artisans have gone back to working the fields or have gone to other Mexican cities and El Norte to find work. I know families who have moved away, left their homes empty, in search of work. As they put their artistic talents aside, the message sent to the children is that this livelihood may not be sustainable. Children may begin to plan their own futures based upon these observations along with absorbing television and film messages of a better life somewhere else. In the book, “The Unbroken Thread,” the authors talk about villages that are no longer weaving because the elderly craftspeople have died and with them, their extraordinarily beautiful work. Do we have a responsibility to preserve this cultural heritage? It is difficult in rural Mexico for most. Talented workers earn about $15 USD per day. Tourism will determine whether the artistic endeavors of individuals and villages survive, I believe. And yet, we know that the impact of tourism can be devastating … creating a Disney-esque destination that loses its authenticity. Indigenous people become actors on the stage of travel entertainment. I raise this because each of us has a responsibility as we travel to Oaxaca or other destinations of treading lightly and leaving a small footprint. I see tour buses full of elder hostel travelers, educated, with money to spend, interested in learning, and I know that they would be unlikely travelers without this accommodation. They benefit the local economies significantly. Tour buses have influenced the construction of big houses on the highways where it is easier to pull in and unload a big group, bypassing other equally worthy weavers who live further down the road in the village, funneling the economic opportunities to those who can afford to build the big houses on the main road. This phenomenon has happened in Teotitlan and it is now happening at in San Martin Tilcajete, where Jacobo Angeles has built a beautiful gallery on the road to Ocotlan that also represents work by talented colleagues from his village, too. What is the more authentic experience? What is most valuable to the people of a village and the sustainability of their culture?Not everyone has the ability or desire to travel independently and explore the back alleys of a foreign village where they don’t speak the language. I don’t have answers. I am only raising these questions for consideration.I want to say it again. I want to shout it. Traveling to Oaxaca is completely SAFE. It is a wonderful international heritage city, a colonial gem. It is at the crossroads of Mesoamerican history and culture. It is the region where corn was first cultivated thousands of years ago — a gift to the world. It is mountains, beach, desert and tropics. I don’t want Oaxaca to become Cancun or Huatulco, but I do want tourists to go there because I want it to thrive.
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- Eric Chavez Santiago is tri-lingual --Spanish, English, Zapotec.
- Eric was founding director of education, Museo Textil de Oaxaca + folk art expert
- Norma Schafer has lived in Oaxaca since 2005.
- Norma is a seasoned university educator.
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Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC has offered programs in Mexico since 2006. We have over 30 years of university, textile and artisan development experience. See About Us.
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Select Clients *Abeja Boutique, Houston *North Carolina Museum of Art *Selvedge Magazine-London, UK *Esprit Travel and Tours *Penland School of Crafts *North Carolina State University *WARP Weave a Real Peace *Methodist University *MINNA-Goods *Smockingbird Kids *University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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- WEAVE Podcast: Oaxaca Coast Textiles & Tour
- NY Times, Weavers Embrace Natural Dye Alternatives
- NY Times, Open Thread–Style News
- NY Times, 36-Hours: Oaxaca, Mexico
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- Taller Teñido a Mano Natural Dyes
Cultural Continuity in Oaxaca: Survival Despite Globalization
This post from CasitaColibri just landed in my inbox as I wait in the RDU airport to begin my “one-way” journey to Oaxaca today. It was refreshing to get my mind (and heart) centered on Oaxaca culture after having to repack (2x) my bags at the check-in counter because of extreme overweight (not me, my luggage)! I forgot that the limit was 50 lbs. Even for international. Overweight fees are $200 and 3rd bag fees are $150. Moving to Mexico for several months is not something I have done before.
Back to the important stuff: So, the discussion focuses on the impact of external forces that influence a culture and it’s ability to change, adapt and survive. The Aztec and then Spanish conquests were only two of many in a long line of factors that create pressure that can cause a community to either disintegrate or evolve and strengthen in the process. Today, with a new Walmart under construction, with high unemployment, with the full court press of Monsanto to take over small family farms and replace indigenous corn with a genetically modified version, with the potential of fracking as a source of government revenue, there is still a strong local commitment to cultural continuity and voices speaking out against big business.
Thanks to Shannon Sheppard for bringing this to our attention.
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Posted in Cultural Commentary, Oaxaca Mexico art and culture, Travel & Tourism
Tagged blogsherpa, cultural preservation, culture, economics, globalization, history, Mexico, National Endowment for the Humanities, Oaxaca, society