News and Events: Oaxaca, Mexico weaver and artist Erasto “Tito” Mendoza will be in Madison and Whitewater, Wisconsin, October 7-12, 2011, to discuss and demonstrate tapestry weaving techniques.
For weaver Erasto “Tito” Mendoza, weaving is more than a skill passed down through the generations of his Zapotec family. It is an art form that combines complexity of design, integration of traditional, ancient indigenous patterns with imagination and a contemporary sensibility. The result is a magnificent rendering of color, texture, pattern and interpretation.

Tito with his award-winning rug, Aires Zapotecos
The singer-songwriter Lila Downs has commissioned numerous pieces from Tito that are used in her performances and for public relations events. His work, “Aires Zapotecos” was a finalist in the VI International Biennale of Contemporary Textile Art. In 2010, Tito was invited to the juried and very selective Santa Fe International Folk Art Festival to show and sell his work. Carolyn Kallenborn, faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, chose Tito to feature in her documentary film Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives about Oaxaca and its weaving culture. He was one of six great Oaxaca weavers who were selected.

Lila Downs wearing a Tito Mendoza sarape, photo by Norma Hawthorne
Tito and his wife, Alejandrina Rios, who own the El Nahual Gallery on Av. 5 de Mayo in the Centro Historico of Oaxaca. will be in Wisconsin for the week of October 7-12. If you live anywhere in driving distance, I urge you not to miss this opportunity to meet them, chat and hear about their work.

An innovative tapestry by Tito Mendoza
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 7, 5:00 p.m. — Centro Hispano, Madison, WI, 810 Badger Road, — Free and open to the public. A conversation with Tito and Ale and filmmaker Carolyn Kallenborn. At 6:00 p.m. there will be a screening of the film Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives in Spanish with English subtitles.
Friday, October 7, 7:00 p.m., Madison Weaver’s Guild — Oakwood Village, 5565 Tancho Drive, Madison. Contact Pat Hilts,, with discussion and screening of Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives in English. The event is free and open to the public.
Tuesday, October 11, 3:30 p.m., University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, University Center Room 266, film screening and discussion, free and open to the public.
Wednesday, October 12, 1:20-3:50 p.m., UW-Madison Design Studies Department Weaving Class — Tito Mendoza will give a demonstration of tapestry weaving.
Carolyn’s film also features Federico Chavez Sosa, master weaver of Teotitlan del Valle. Translation assistance was provided by Eric Chavez Santiago, director of education at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca, and Janet Chavez Santiago, education coordinator at the Centro Académico y Cultural San Pablo.
For information, contact:
Carolyn Kallenborn,
Film Website:
Tito and Ale’s Oaxaca Gallery:
and their email address:
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University of Wisconsin Hosts Oaxaca Weaver Tito Mendoza, October 7-12, 2011
News and Events: Oaxaca, Mexico weaver and artist Erasto “Tito” Mendoza will be in Madison and Whitewater, Wisconsin, October 7-12, 2011, to discuss and demonstrate tapestry weaving techniques.
For weaver Erasto “Tito” Mendoza, weaving is more than a skill passed down through the generations of his Zapotec family. It is an art form that combines complexity of design, integration of traditional, ancient indigenous patterns with imagination and a contemporary sensibility. The result is a magnificent rendering of color, texture, pattern and interpretation.
Tito with his award-winning rug, Aires Zapotecos
The singer-songwriter Lila Downs has commissioned numerous pieces from Tito that are used in her performances and for public relations events. His work, “Aires Zapotecos” was a finalist in the VI International Biennale of Contemporary Textile Art. In 2010, Tito was invited to the juried and very selective Santa Fe International Folk Art Festival to show and sell his work. Carolyn Kallenborn, faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, chose Tito to feature in her documentary film Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives about Oaxaca and its weaving culture. He was one of six great Oaxaca weavers who were selected.
Lila Downs wearing a Tito Mendoza sarape, photo by Norma Hawthorne
Tito and his wife, Alejandrina Rios, who own the El Nahual Gallery on Av. 5 de Mayo in the Centro Historico of Oaxaca. will be in Wisconsin for the week of October 7-12. If you live anywhere in driving distance, I urge you not to miss this opportunity to meet them, chat and hear about their work.
An innovative tapestry by Tito Mendoza
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 7, 5:00 p.m. — Centro Hispano, Madison, WI, 810 Badger Road, — Free and open to the public. A conversation with Tito and Ale and filmmaker Carolyn Kallenborn. At 6:00 p.m. there will be a screening of the film Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives in Spanish with English subtitles.
Friday, October 7, 7:00 p.m., Madison Weaver’s Guild — Oakwood Village, 5565 Tancho Drive, Madison. Contact Pat Hilts,, with discussion and screening of Vidas Entretejidas–Woven Lives in English. The event is free and open to the public.
Tuesday, October 11, 3:30 p.m., University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, University Center Room 266, film screening and discussion, free and open to the public.
Wednesday, October 12, 1:20-3:50 p.m., UW-Madison Design Studies Department Weaving Class — Tito Mendoza will give a demonstration of tapestry weaving.
Carolyn’s film also features Federico Chavez Sosa, master weaver of Teotitlan del Valle. Translation assistance was provided by Eric Chavez Santiago, director of education at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca, and Janet Chavez Santiago, education coordinator at the Centro Académico y Cultural San Pablo.
For information, contact:
Carolyn Kallenborn,
Film Website:
Tito and Ale’s Oaxaca Gallery:
and their email address:
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Posted in Cultural Commentary, Oaxaca Mexico art and culture, Textiles, Tapestries & Weaving
Tagged art, blogsherpa, culture, Film, Lila Downs, Mexico, Oaxaca, tapestry, Tito Mendoza, University of Wisconsin, weaving, Woven Lives movie